What Does a Steel Fabrication Company Do?

When you look around your city or town at the various buildings, you may not realise that almost all of them will have been created with the use of a steel fabrication company.

In short, steel fabrication refers to the transformation of raw steel into a product that can be used for the construction or assembly of other objects, such as buildings or transportation.

Here at BridgeFAB, we use the combined use of the latest technology along with expertise and exceptional service, to provide the best delivery possible for our clients. Read on to find out more about the stages of steel fabrication and why BridgeFAB is one of Queensland’s most loved steel fabrication companies.

Stages of Steel Fabrication

The fabrication process can be easily broken down into three distinct stages:

  1. Cutting: Steel can be cut by the following methods: shearing, chiselling or sawing, torching, and numerical control cutters.
  2. Bending: This is carried out by either hammering or press brakes. With modern technology and software, this can be done seamlessly.
  3. Assembling: This is done by various methods such as welding or riveting and threaded fasteners.

What Do Steel Fabricators Do?

Steel fabricators are specially trained to use a number of techniques that work to transform sections of raw steel into specific, predefined shapes that can be used in the construction of many different buildings.

Metal fabricators typically work within a larger team, as with our team here at BridgeFAB. Drawings and designs will be initially provided before they carry out the process of transforming the steel.

Thanks to the advancement of technology, steel fabricators often use various pieces of cutting edge equipment and technology to facilitate the fabrication process of cutting, bending and assembling.

Here at BridgeFAB, we have a commitment to new technology and regularly review and undertake training in new technologies that can further improve our services.

Steel Fabrication Australia

The main point of difference between BridgeFAB and many other steel fabrication companies is that we provide a full seven-stage process which includes an initial consultation with a Project Manager, right through to the final sign off upon completion of the project, where we will provide you with a twelve-month warranty to guarantee our workmanship.

Our team is thoroughly trained and qualified to deliver quality fabricated steel components, ensuring only the best possible end result. Your project manager will oversee every aspect of your project, including fabrication and erection and installation, giving you peace of mind that nothing is missed.

BridgeFAB undertakes both large and small projects, from more regular steel fabrication such as new apartment complexes, to work through to commercial-scale boutique steel fabrication such as UQ’s Global Change Institute.

If you would like to find out more about BridgeFAB’s projects in structural steel fabrications or if you would like to discuss a project and obtain a quote, call the team on (07) 3373 8777 or contact us today.

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